Payment status & remittance details
ConocoPhillips offers suppliers the opportunity to access real-time view into your payment remittance information through the ConocoPhillips Taulia Supplier Portal.
Taulia is the preferred tool for payment remittance and should be accessed first prior to calling the help desk. Taulia is a free solution that offers suppliers real-time visibility into their payment status and remittance details. Invoices that have been approved and posted in S4 will be visible to suppliers who create an account. Payment remittance details will be available to assist suppliers with reconciling and applying payments from ConocoPhillips. Taulia allows suppliers to easily obtain up-to-date information on your ConocoPhillips payment status and remittance details. Taulia will show up to 12 months of data. Data from ConocoPhillips legacy system will not be in Taulia.
What type of information is available?
- Invoice Number
- Invoice Date
- Company Code
- Supplier
- Due Date
- Invoice Amount
- Payment Remittance
- Payment Amount
- Payment Date
How do I get started?
For detailed information on the program, please visit the ConocoPhillips Taulia Portal Information website. If you have specific questions and need additional assistance, please reach out to ConocoPhillips Accounts Payable via Jira Service Management.