Electronic options

We prefer that our vendors utilize one of our electronic commerce options (GEP SMART Web Portal, GEP SMART Direct Connect and Enverus OpenInvoice). We are working to increase the use of these options and eliminate/reduce the receipt of paper invoices.

Standard payment terms are net 30 unless otherwise specified in your contract.

Invoice options

For more information on invoicing options, choose from the following:

What is GEP SMART?  GEP SMART is a procurement application native to cloud, touch and mobile technologies that has been designed for procurement professionals who demand greater usability and accessibility. Utilizing GEP SMART eliminates the need for paper invoices to be mailed to ConocoPhillips.

Through GEP, vendors have the ability to select from the following options for vendor acknowledgement and invoice submissions:

  • GEP SMART Web Portal (most common): A web-based portal which allows vendors to easily submit invoices and track their progress through the procurement process
  • GEP SMART Direct Connect (PIDX/cXML): Business-to-business (B2B) integration allows your IT applications to integrate with the ConocoPhillips ERP system to more effectively manage business processes associated with purchase orders and invoices.

How Do I Get Started? Contact your ConocoPhillips Supply Chain contact or utilize the Supplier Systems & Invoice Support site (SSIS) through Jira Service Management (JSM), an Atlassian product, where suppliers can submit requests. The Taulia website may also be used for real-time view into your payment remittance. For more information and instruction on Taulia, click on Payment status.

ConocoPhillips currently offers some of our vendors the option of being paid via a Procurement/Credit Card for goods and services they supply to ConocoPhillips. Eligibility to become a Procurement Card vendor depends on the type of goods and services being supplied to ConocoPhillips.
Payment via Procurement Card ensures that you, as a vendor, receive accurate timely payments and eliminates the need to issue an invoice to ConocoPhillips for payment.
For additional information, and to see if your company qualifies, please contact your local ConocoPhillips Business Unit representative.

ConocoPhillips utilizes GEP OCR technology to expedite the processing of paper invoices. Items referencing a purchase order must be invoiced separately from material or services not referenced by a purchase order. A separate invoice is required for each purchase order or order contact name referenced. As a general rule, ConocoPhillips does not pay from statements.

Invoice requirements for Goods & Services and Associated Freight:

  • Must be addressed to the proper legal entity name. Separate invoices may be required while performing work for more than one ConocoPhillips legal entity.
  • Valid ConocoPhillips Purchase Order Number (10 digit identifier beginning with 45. Polar Tanker POs are 7 digits long beginning with 110, 111 or 112) Or ConocoPhillips Order Contact Name (provided by the person placing the order for goods or services)
  • Company Code
  • Vendor Name
  • Remittance Address
  • Invoice Date
  • Invoice Number
  • Invoice Amount
  • Tax Amount (if applicable)
  • Purchase description

Vendors can utilize the Taulia vendor portal for real-time view into your payment remittance. If an invoice is submitted without one or more of the above mentioned required fields, it will be rejected.

Please see Payment Status for further instructions.

Paper invoices should be addressed with the correct ConocoPhillips affiliate or company name and mailed to the appropriate address.

Physical Mailing Address Instructions Electronic Email
US: PO Box 2200 | Bartlesville OK 74005
US: USStandard Email
Canada: PO Box 2566, STN M | Calgary AB T2P 2H7
Canada: CA Standard Email
Norway:  PO Box 3 | 4064 Stavanger Norway  Not available at this time
Polar: Attention: Polar Tankers | 315 S. Johnstone | Bartlesville, OK 74004
Polar: COP Polar AP Email

If you have been enabled for GEP electronic invoices, please do not use this method to submit your invoices.

What is eTicketing/OpenTicket/Enverus? Enverus (OpenTicket) is a third-party, web-based platform that ConocoPhillips uses as a paper ticketing replacement that enables digital upload, review and approval of field tickets.

To be enabled to submit through Enverus (OpenTicket) the following supplier requirements are necessary:

  • An approved electronic field ticket must be tied to all invoice submissions
  • Selection of field ticket type: a) General, b) Water Hauling, or c) Labor, Equipment, Materials (LEM)
  • Reference to an active price book (Outline Agreement/OLA) for the applicable Service Dates
  • Entry of a ConocoPhillips Service Approver (typically onsite field representative)
  • Entry of a “Facility/Property” – well location or facility on which work was performed/materials are delivered

How Do I Get Started? Speak with your ConocoPhillips Service Approver or onsite field representative about your eligibility for enablement. Next, submit a ticket through the ConocoPhillips Supplier System & Invoice Support site (SSIS) site. You will select Enverus/OpenInvoice and complete a summary of your interest in eTicketing. A representative will reach out to you about getting started.